Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Speech Competition

Lynette tried something new last night by competing in her first speech competition with a duo. They did very well for Lynette's first time. This is a requirement for her Honors English class. She is already looking forward to the next spring competion with perhaps TWO speeches. They were required to dress up. There was a bunch of very nice looking kids there.


gk said...

nice hair-do Lynette!
WISH I had been forced to take speech in school, they did not require any of those things then. I think I only remember about 1 oral book report, and that was in middle-school. I about made myself sick over it, and the only thing that kept me going was the fact that I did love the book (The Scarlet Pimpernel)

Anonymous said...

very nice! and I second the thought of speech as a requirement. I think it would be way more beneficial than some things! MJ

Judy Cronk said...

I always appreciated that speech is a dress up thing.