This little Zane boy of ours has no teeth yet, but that doesn't prevent him from wanting to eat FOOD. Not mushed up stuff from a spoon, but things he can pick up himself. Right now he wants grapes, so I have to put them out of sight, since he can't eat all of them in one day. And, in case you're worried...I cut them up for him.
babies seem to be able to manage quite a variety of fingerfoods when they are ready don't they?!
Remember West and the apple/addiction?? He ate the WHOLE apple, core and all every time for about 2 solid years....beginning long before he turned two! People thought we were craZy, but he never choked even once.
Isn't this little guy SO cute. :)
I am so happy you all are getting to enjoy this baby to the fullest! He IS such a cutie, and what a fun age!
Incedently, WE have not seen him in WEEKS and I am sure he has grown a lot.
Hug him for me today!
You are such a good gramma! :)
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