With the forecast of a major blizzard coming our way, Lorene hurried up the party so much that we didn't have any birthday cakes.
I'm not usually very forehanded in the making of birthday cakes. And I'm sorry about that, because I would like to have time to admire my handiwork before the cake is demolished.
Since every 1-year old needs a birthday cake, I hurried up and made one for him.
Box mixes are always in my pantry. You never know when you're going to need a cake.
I thought Lorene could get along without one, she's a mom now, and everyone knows what mom's give up for their kids. Luckily she has some very nice aunties that bought her a Wal-mart cake.

Eighteen candles on the birthday cake.

One on this one.

Zane got the idea of unwrapping gifts quickly. What kid doesn't like to tear paper. Zane makes a habit of tearing up the newspaper. Usually before we read it. You can find us holding up several pieces to read the funnies. We don't much care about anything else.

Zane has taken to pulling a yo-yo around the house. Lynette decided Zane needed a pull toy for his birthday so we went on a toy hunt.
How perfect is this little phone! Zane has decided that phones make the best toys, and goes into my bedroom to my phone, takes it off the hook and says "hewwo". Sure keeps the phone calls down.
You got some great pictures!
Boy, those 18 years sure went by in a blink, didn't they!!
Big happy birthdays to both of them!
I LOVE birthdays, and the 1st one has got to be the cutest! Eighteen is special too.
Glad you all got to be together to celebrate for these two.
Dear Zaney Place,
I haven't been over here for a bit and it was fun to see how Mr. Zane is doing these days. I can't believe he is a year old already... or that Lorene in eighteen, for that matter.
Prosper-ing in Nebraska
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