I also discovered photo editing when Zane was born and spent a lot of time with a slow program editing these photos and trying new things to get different effects.
I especially like the softness that is available when working with babies.
These are just some of my first attempts in the first couple months of Zane's life.

A Baby Asleep

A Pensive Look
Gramma's Boy
Baby Feet
This crib belonged to my father. It was purchased for him by a brother of an aunt's husband, on the condition that my dad would be named after him. He was, and the crib has welcomed many babies into the world. Four of Dad's brother's children, all four of Dad's children, my three and now Zane have slept in this crib.
I enjoyed playing with some different effects to this photo. I still can't decide the one I like best.
LOVE the picture of you and baby Zane! you need to frame it :)
I like the sleeping baby one too..Other wise my fav. is the B&W--I think because the story of the crib, B&W is a "timeless" look. "Baby in the crib", rather than Specific "Zane in the crib"
Digital photography is one of the greatest improvements in our particular time period I think!
Dear Shelleykins,
You have taken to this gramma thing like a duck to water! That little ZaneBoy is so lucky. I think that every time I see you with him, especially on Wed. nights!
The photos are dreamy.
This Nana is sure behind in that area...camera-less for a while longer and dependent on the busy Mommy herself to get me photos....needless to say.....but I am not going to complain, at least I get to see them on the blog any time I want!
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