Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Boy Zane

Zane isn't three years old yet.  He still has a month to go.  It's been fun having him around so I can see how much his mind has grown. He is into puzzles and games.  Today we were playing with a number puzzle and we had four empty spaces when he looked at the three pieces left on the floor and said, I can't remember what he said, but something to the effect that there weren't enough pieces left to finish the puzzle.   We looked around and he found the missing piece and put all four in and he was done!  Now, what is that, counting?, subtraction?. I was amazed.  I love to watch little ones learn the concepts of life and learning. 
He can put 25 piece puzzles together with a minimum of help.  I am amazed at how well he is doing these at not yet three.  
 I got out my geoboards today.  Zane loves them.  He doesn't do much put pile up rubber bands in straight lines, but he'll learn more. 
He also plays with his Thomas trains for hours at a time.  He connects a few pieces of track together with his buildings  connects his trains, and acts out stories and situations.  He gets most of that information from all the Thomas and Friends videos he watches.  Even so, imaginative play is the best thing.  

There is evidence of a toddler in the house. When told to "put your shoes by the door", this is what we get. 

Halloween Kitty

This isn't Zane, but Barry is a part of him, too. 
What better thing for a round little baby to be for Halloween, but a pumpkin?

And he's just cute.

This was one of those days, that while Zane and I were playing puzzles, Papa was walking the floor with baby Barry.
Whew! Finally, asleep!

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