Sometimes I think about what life would be like if I didn't have a boy in our family.
If we had no boys, we wouldn't be inviting over the other VERY BIG BOYS who our son has for friends.
We would have one less boy when all the cousins are over.
We wouldn't have to get books like this from the library.
I suppose that would mean less noise and excitement around here.Would I really enjoy boring?
I had another blog idea for this particular book. I intended to rave on about how COULD anybody do this to my favorite book of all time, how DISGUSTING, WHO would EVER read a book like THIS!!!!
I didn't read it. I looked at it and Nathan told me a little. If you can imagine a classic interspersed with z...... oooo, I can hardly type the word. Heroines with ninja skills, and I don't know what else, then...
This book is for you!
Anyway, this is the kind of thing it inspires at our house.
Back to the original post.

During those LONG days over Christmas when we we snowed in with the blizzard, the kids couldn't go outside, or off to town. They were getting bored, so in order to get them to go outside, Aunt Cindy suggested they make a zombie movie.
So, they began. They found raggy clothes to tear up and decided they needed blood.
Did you know you can google recipes for stunt blood? There is too much information on the internet.
If you want to know the recipe, look it up yourself.
It takes cornstarch and red food coloring and I wasn't going to have anything to do with it.

I am not sure how they bribed Lynette into helping. She IS the best of them all in cooking and knowing her way around the kitchen.

Eventually, they got all painted and dressed up and went outside in the windy, cold, snowy weather, with no coats, out to the barn.
I didn't see any footage, but at least we got them out from underfoot for awhile.

By the way, what I said about things being different if I didn't have any boys in the family....
forget it.
Lynette DIDN'T go outside.
HAHA!! Your photos are great. I love their expressions. Boys, oh yes. My life would have been VERY different...
LOL! Who would have ever though about making a ZOMBIE movie!
I love how Lynette got roped into cooking the blood!
Shucks...I was anticipating a movie! LOL boys! Mom's without boys miss out on so much!
I had NO IDEA. Really. At all.
The thing is, both my sisters got boys before me, but had not really 'seen anything' yet(read: None of them were teenagers yet!) by the time MY first boy came along, so they could not have fore-warned me.
I see you have found out already that 1 boy is ONE thing, but 2+ is a whole'notherballgame.
No one warned me about THAT either.
Hmmmm... I just might have to check that out! hee-hee!
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