Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 2020

I have too many photos selected with this month's post.  
But, there it is...

A quiet evening at the Miller's 

The third graders in our town hatch chicks for a science project so we got six chicks from a friend.
Paislee thought they were "so cu-uute."

Auntie and Niece

We had Zane for a weekend in February and Barry and Christian together the next Saturday after Barry's basketball game.
Zane is into cooking and while making a sundae bar isn't really cooking, it sure is fun to eat.

Barry and Christian wanted s'mores from the fireplace, so they had them, and since Barry wanted to "cook" something, too, he asked for yellow cake with chocolate frosting and that's what we made.

From Barry

A Narwhal I think.

Two days worth of eggs.  It shows the variety we get. 

Just cool.

There were some very nice days in February this year.