Friday, August 30, 2013

August Hair

I've discovered some things about my hair.  Maybe these things are true about everybody's hair.  I just know that BC, my hair was very easy to deal with.  I just tossed it up into a french roll, and if it got messy or fell down, I could just do it again wherever I was.  I was happy with it.
the stuff is not the same on both sides of my head.  One side is definitely thinner, and it shows. And it slumps. One side curls very nicely, and if you look at that side it looks like I have very nicely behaving hair. 
It isn't so bad to deal with, really, and I can wet it and mousse it and fluff it up a bit, and call it good.  I do like to make sure the front is waving nicely, the way I want it, because it will wave not too nicely, the way I do not want it, if I don't.  
The strange thing is that now I see my mother in the mirror, because her hair waves this way.  Mine didn't used to.  

On the sinus front.  I still deal with mucus issues, and I have a feeling I may be dealing with them for the rest of my life.  However, since a year ago, I was just out of the hospital after a week's ordeal, it's not so bad. I just went back to read some of those posts, posted by someone else other than me.  Someone who was watching me struggle with pain and mucus and mouth sores.  Ugh. 
It hurts to think about those days, but it's nice to think about those who were standing by, helping me when I couldn't help myself.  

On the eating front.  I ate a hamburger last night,  ON A BUN!!  Actually, it was only half a bun, and a homemade one, and that "tastes" better.  I didn't really enjoy getting the last half down, but  stuck to it.  I need the nutrition.  I mean, eating real food is really boring. Usually, it is soup, soup, soup. (I like my soup, I make it myself.)  If it isn't pretty wet to begin with I have to drink to make sure it is.  Then it needs chewed and chewed and chewed.  I don't have the saliva to help with the breaking down process.  I enjoyed the sensation of eating it, but hamburger is rough, and it was hard on the inside of my mouth, which is still pretty tender, since I AM going to eat things at times that hurt it and when I get tired it is sore, too.    

I'm really not healed up on the inside.  I enjoyed (I'm not sure that is really the word I want) looking over the August 2012 posts.  The encouragement, the struggle, the people, the comments, the fact that it's OVER--that's the best part.

P.S. On another front, I am not losing weight anymore, and I may have gained a little and I still don't taste sweet things.  

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Random Baby and Kid Photos

I am a Gramma.  These photos prove it. 
They also show who is the newest kid on the block.
It also means I'm too tired to blog.  

New baby Christian.

Christian 3 mos.

First haircut at 18 mos.

Lunch at Gramma's.

Uncle Tim's famous tie dye onesie.

Look at that boy lift himself up!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Good Clean Out

As those of you who are my facebook peoples know, I recently cleaned out my furnace room.  Again.  
I've done it before.  I hope I won't have to do it again. I didn't mean for it it get that bad, but for way too long I just threw things in there or put them on the floor until it was piled up with just a path to get to the freezer and closet.  And even then if something slid off the pile, it was stepping over STUFF.  It was pretty bad before I was diagnosed with cancer.  I had big plans to really clean up that room and the rest of the basement and was eager to start.  Well, that train derailed and I finally found the energy to tackle it a little at a time.  It took me at least a week, and with the last trip to the Good Will this morning, it is done.   

I tried to be ruthless in my tossing, some things I couldn't remember why I saved them.  Some things were trash, some things I had too many of. I didn't get rid of everything I should have but I got rid of enough to have a place for everything that belongs there and a little room left over.  
I wondered, why is it so hard to get rid of things? So, I've been thinking of why I kept some of the things that I got rid of, and why I kept them in the first place.  

The piles of boxes, mostly shoe boxes.  Why do I like to keep them?  I think it is because they are such sturdy boxes with well fitting lids.  I kept them in case I would give a gift in them.
I use gift bags.  

Jars that aren't canning jars, gone.
Toddler jeans, gone, to a toddler.
Baby clothes, meant for gifts, gone to a baby that needs clothes.
Kerosene lamp, gone to a friend.   
Racks from the old freezer, spices leftover from co-op days, baby quilts I don't know the maker of, gone.  

There's the bag I carried all my medical supplies and toiletry items for the kids and I when we went on trips.  It's a lovely bag, but too big now, and I have others I like better.   It's hard to give up something with a lot of memories.  
It's gone now.

And the "bun warmer" I found at a junk shop.  It's a round aluminum pan like a round casserole dish with rounded lid, meant to put on a stove burner with a little water under the steamer basket to warm bread, and was used before microwaves were in common use in the home.  I bought one when we had to wait several weeks to get a new microwave.  I bought it because when I was a girl at home, I warmed leftovers in it.  I didn't like to eat breakfast, but at our house you didn't go to school without eating something, so mom let me eat whatever I could get down, and it was often warmed over last night's supper.  
In the bun warmer.
  I like that memory, so I wanted one.  
It's gone.  I don't need a bun warmer to remember those times.

I had a lovely visit with a cousin this week, and we remembered some things that belonged to our grandparents.  It is nice to remember them, but we can't keep everything, and we don't need things to remember them.  We made memories there than no one can take away, and they weren't about things. 

There are a lot of other things that I can't remember and I don't want to in case I might miss them, gone.

And it feels really, really good. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

July Hair

A lot of  things have been going on in July besides growing hair.
 Time is marching on, normal things are going on. My hair is growing.
 Lynette has been dying to get her hands on my seemingly slow growing hair and French braid it.
 It is finally long enough to get a braid to stay in while it is soaking wet.  

The hair is rather cute, too bad the rest of the head is still the same.  

Of course, by now I can't remember what I did most of the month of July.  That is another thing that helps me feel that life is a lot closer to normal this summer than last.  Time is doing more than marching along, it is flying.  
I do remember what we did the last week.  
My mom has been promising to come and help us freeze corn.  My folks came on Thurs.  We also had some very special ladies come, too.  So, we were full up.  The day before everyone came I had all three grandsons for the day while my daughter attended a CNA recertification class or something like that.  
So, we froze the corn on Thursday, and I cooked a late supper.  Friday was a free day and my folks left.  Saturday, our special friends left, and I spent the rest of the day getting ready for the Kleeb family reunion, which takes place every other year on the fourth Sunday in July.  
This year was our turn to plan the reunion, which simply entails finding a place to have it, arrange for drinks and seating, and be there in time to oversee the eating.  We rather failed in this, so someone else found the building, but we did the rest.  We gathered in Broken Bow, 60 of us this year, more than usual.  The third generation, the first cousins are almost gone.  There are only two or three left.  Some family we don't know anything about or where they are, or any way to contact them.  But the ones that were there, we knew and enjoyed the visiting.  I was dead tired when I got home and after eating out, (no cooking being done by me after that day), and I went to bed soon after.  
The surprise of the weekend, was my folks deciding to come back Sunday night and do another day of corn freezing on Monday.  (They hadn't gone all the way home, they had been at a school reunion.) That was a big day.  My mom is a glutton for punishment.  We did 21 dozen ears, and got 77 pints of corn.  It took most of the day.  
Now, I should be able to rest.  Not.
Unless you call driving three hours to Omaha restful.  I had another doctor visit that day.  The usual kind where they examine me all over my head and neck on the outside, and my nose and sinuses on the inside.  I also had an MRI since it has been a year since the first after surgery one.  They just scanned my head, so it didn't take very long.  I was so tired that I was able to relax.  
After that, we ate at Popeye's Chicken.  I don't know what it is about chicken places and spice.  The chicken was good, but the green beans about burnt my mouth off.  KFC's were like that, too.  Then we went to see our friend who is recovering from a bone marrow transplant.  He is looking good, but in the throes of adjusting meds, and fatigue, and hydration, and eating.  None is particularly easy or quick, but as with all life changing events, medical or otherwise, small steps is the only way it's going to happen.  And is he going up, not down.  
So, I rested on the way home.  I rested so well, I fell asleep and I made everyone else find their own dinner.  
on Wednesday, a week later, I rested.  

July Hair

P.S.  The scan results were: 
No change from the last time, and that's good news.