Thursday, May 21, 2015

Enter In

I'm just sitting here recovering from aforesaid surgery.  The last surgery it was very easy to sit around and do nothing because I felt like doing nothing.  This time, I'm having to enforce resting periods so I don't do too much and it is difficult.
So, I'm going to show off the photos of the entryway project this morning. 

Here we are ready to start.  The door is in the sidewalk and stoop are ready to go, 
(We being the occupants of the house, not the actual laborers, which was Jim)

Jim rented a hydraulic hammer drill to knock out the concrete with our excavator.

Then the hauling out, piece by piece. 

There go the steps


Pouring the footings for the steps.

Clean up machine, our vacuum excavator truck.

Jim is putting up a few foundation blocks with Zane's help.
The forms are done.

Steps poured.

Removing the forms.

Sidewalk poured.

Jim is staring our decorative brick.

I like it!

It is really nice having a handy husband.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Back on the Operating Table

The first tests are over, the first ear surgery is finished.  It was out patient surgery, but as it was done with general anesthesia I went home with a sore throat as well as a sore ear.  
It is hard to be a creative writer when under the influence of pain killers, so this will be just the facts. 

Monday, I had an extensive hearing test starting with the normal beeps to each ear,  then words spoken by the audiologist (one of which I could not get even after repeating), then a man's voice.  
Next, was a test where they put electrodes on my forehead and behind my ears to measure the nerve  function.  That test is a variety of harsh noises delivered through ear plug type things.
During the consultation afterwards we learned that my hearing as it stood then, was bad.  Severe to profound to be exact,  
What they are hoping to do with the surgeries is bring back my hearing to what it was last September, because the nerve function I have is the same as then.  The hearing I had then is not very good, but better than I had before surgery. (which is like going around with your fingers in your ears for people with normal hearing.) And if my hearing can be restored to those levels through the mastoid being cleaned out and the ear drum repaired (both ears) I would need "normal" hearing aids.

I've discovered I don't want implants.  The outside snap on part is about the size of a peanut.  They try to choose the best side to put the implant on so you have better hearing in only one ear, and yes you can have one for each side, but not usually. Then they can't be around water, the skin site they are snapped on to has to be cleaned.  Mine would have to be put toward the back so it could get in the way and snap off.  

So, I'm hoping for the best. 

The first day my ear was covered up with a shield.

After the shield was off, Jim took a bow off my glasses to protect the incision site.  It didn't work very well.  With the glasses perched precariously on my nose it made me sick to my stomach to look at the computer.  So, it went back on before too long. 

Here's a photo of my nice little corner in my bedroom with Mother's Day flowers to look at. 

And the rose from the surgery center. 

I am home resting now, especially in-between painkiller tablets, which usually results in napping. 

This surgery will need to be done again on the right side in 3 or 4 months.