Thursday, August 23, 2018

BAHA At Last

Several years ago, I wrote an exciting blog post about this BAHA thing.
(Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) on April 12, 2016 and then I wrote nothing because the insurance company denied me, twice, even after a couple of appeals showing that my hearing loss wasn't just happen-chance, but a series of unfortunate events starting with radiation and ending in destroyed
 ear drums. 
Well, a couple of years and a couple of insurance companies later, plus some enlightenment on the part of said insurance companies, the bone anchored hearing aid is becoming a part of accepted treatment for hearing loss, and we decided to try again.  
We were waiting for resolve and time.  I wasn't any too sure I wanted to start again and face more appeals and more surgery.  After Lorene graduated and didn't need me so constantly to watch the boys, it was feasible to think about it again and in July we started the process all over again with more hearing tests and waiting to hear from the insurance company.  
From there, things went quickly.  In a month, surgery was scheduled, pre-op physical done, and we were on the road to surgery.  
It's done, and I am home again, recovering.  I have very little pain in my head where the post has been put in, but my throat is very sore, since they had problems putting the breathing tube in.  That part of my anatomy has been compromised because of the radiation, and gives me plenty of problems. In three months, we will talk about fitting the hearing device. 

The white disc covers the incision site and the post, but you can see the area. 

This surgical center sends home a red rose. 

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