Monday, August 31, 2020

Finishing August

There is a joke in our house, starting with my mom who was told as a girl that if she didn't eat her toast with her egg, she would get impetigo.  Her brother didn't and was plagued with the stuff. 
Jim has never eaten his toast with his egg.  He's of the kind that eats one thing and then another.  
So, here, by accident he is eating his egg, with his toast.  
It was one of those "who are you, and what have you done with my husband" moments.

Paislee turned 4 this month.  We all helped celebrate and Christian helped with the decorations.

Jim is off ready to work on his chicken house/garden shed.  Metal on the roof is next.

This is the place to get BIG melons. 

Barry turned 9!!, believe it or not.
All the cousins celebrating together. 

I made these cakes.  Since they were celebrating Barry and Christian's birthdays together due to the covid situation, I made two small cakes and cupcakes.  Barry's cake was vanilla under the chocolate frosting.   

A favorite gift--a circuit board.

We've been planning another picnic at the farm all summer to get together with some friend with children.  It didn't start as planned since there little boy was stung 5 times by a very aggressive and chasing bumble bee, and Zane stabbed himself rather deeply with a pocket knife.  Since we had a certified EMT on site, all was well.   

We stayed behind to do a little four-wheeling around the farm, but midway on our way back to our picnic site, the four-wheeler started acting up, so Jim high-tailed it back, and it died -- a bit far to want to push, since we weren't at a convenient loading place even if Jim brought the pickup closer.  After fiddling a bit and putting on the reserve tank, we zoomed right to the pickup and loaded up.  So much for any time spent four-wheeling. I'm glad we weren't any farther away.  

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