Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Playing Fall

When we bought our place, we didn't buy it for the color of the brick, (It's yellow) or the style (ranch).
We bought it because it had a big living room, lots of bedrooms, and 5+ acres.  It was a good place to raise our kids and a good place now for grand kids to come and play.
Nathan and Paislee were over for a fun 4-wheeling day and we have plenty of backyard for it. 

And obviously the front yard, too.

Bike fixing day.


And Soccer.

These boys just run and run. I love to see them improve over the season.  I am not much of a sports fan, and what I know about most sports you could put in a teaspoon. Playing sports takes a lot more strategy and thinking ahead than I ever knew. 

I don't know how interested others are in these photos, but I like them because they are of my grandchildren and I want to have them where I can look at them. 


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