Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Remembering On A Windy Day

One year ago today a baby boy was born.
Born into receiving parents hands and lives already passed on to another life.
Born also, a grief that comes and goes as life continues, 
leaving a hole that makes a scar, a forever remembrance.

Today is windy.  
It was windy the day we laid our Bennett Wilder to rest.
It was windy on Saturday when we gathered at his grave to remember.
To celebrate a life that lived a very few weeks sheltered in a loving mother's body.
One year.
One year of many, yet we are blessed with that memory.

A new chapter begins, but we won't forget the old.


1 comment:

Dodie said...

This is a really special post; thanks for saying all the thoughts my head thinks. You have a gift of being able to put them out as words!