Thursday, May 12, 2022

Play Day

 Today was Play Day at our grandboys school. Since they live in a small town where the school is just a couple blocks away from the school, they take their jackets and lunch and water bottles and walk.  I'm assuming some people get to drive because when I got there every class had a nice little canopy shelter to provide shade (which wasn't needed) and a place to corral their stuff.  When I got there at 10:20, having planned to be there at 10 because that was the starting time, but didn't make it because I had to get gas,  which was really appalling because gas is now 3.999 a gallon and I was nearly empty after a trip to see the audiologist yesterday in Omaha. So, I got their at 10:20 as aforesaid and they were already well underway so I missed several events. 

Barry and Christian were in the same group, 3rd and 4th graders.  Barry's teacher took care of the boy contingent and I suppose Christians teacher was in charge of the girls.  The morning was taken up with races,  I believe Barry was first in the 100 and 300.  The third graders are really at a disadvantage when they are grouped with the older ones.  But, they will get their turn next year.  Besides normal running, they do the three-legged race. a hula hoop race with two kids in the hoop, a ball on a spoon race, which I missed.  After the races, about 11ish, they break for lunch and then have quite a long time to just run around and play together while the parents stand or sit around in the chilly wind ready for the day to be over. After lunch are the field events with baseball, beanbag, and frisbee and tennis ball throwing, hockey puck hitting, long jump, a relay and a final, free for all running together, albeit separated into little, medium and big kid age groups. 

By and large, these are good kids. There is no fighting. They listen and get into lines when they are supposed to.  Now, of course, they aren't marching around like little robots, but it doesn't take much effort to get them in order.  It's like organized chaos and sounds like "the parrot house at the zoo." Except for the lines to the next event, these kids are running everywhere they go. Truthfully, I enjoyed watching those kids run during they lunch playtime.  There is no obesity problem here. 

After lunch the sun began to show it's face periodically and so it would be warm shining on us for a little until a cloud got in the way and the wind felt chilly again.  By the time to go home, it was shining brightly. A lovely end to a day that started out cold and cloudy. 

Running back from the 200 m race.

Starting 300m

First in on 300m

Hula-hoop race

Corn hole

Long jump

Frisbee throw

Ready for the relay

And away we go!

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