I forgot to blog Tuesday. I didn't even think about it on Wednesday.
I was busy.
Tuesday isn't going to be a good day to blog since I spend time and energy looking after little boys.
Wednesday, I made pickles, and zucchini bread.
A lot of zucchini bread (8 loaves) and 11 quarts of pickles.
Tuesday isn't going to work as a blogging day. And it is very unlikely I will blog next week at all since Tuesday is full and Wednesday starts a very special trip out of town.
Last week was a special week.
Lynette participated in the 'white-coat' ceremony which introduces new nursing students into their nursing program. I did a minimal amount of research and it is a common ceremony among other health science students.
I am guessing it replaces the white cap ceremony because caps became annoying and obsolete as more male students became nurses.
That was Friday, August 26th.
August 27th was Barry's birthday. We had a party the week before and all those photos are still on the camera that in order to get those photos on to the computer I would have to get up and go get the cord.
This was taken by his folks, on the day, in his favorite restaurant.
August 28th, a visit to see Paislee,
And from last week....