Saturday, August 12, 2017

Reception in Indiana

There was a wedding at our house this summer.  
We worked hard to make the yard nice.
Lynette and Anthony worked hard to make the decorations and their vows nice.
The Troyer ladies worked hard to make the reception tent nice.
And all the unnamed people that were there getting ready did their part making the whole thing nice.  

We are still waiting on the photographs from the wedding photographer so I'm blogging out of order.  

The Bridal Couple
(sneak peak)

A week after the wedding we gathered in Indiana to celebrate the wedding with Anthony's family at a reception on Sunday afternoon.  
We arrived Friday so we could be on hand early Saturday to help with the last minute getting ready.  
I spent the morning helping Miriam and her mother and sisters chop fruit and vegetables and the afternoon knitting while the Troyer ladies decorated.  
They are better at it that I am. 
The guys did a few outside things and then went to a steam engine show until the middle of the afternoon.  
We were expecting the bridal couple to arrive in Indianapolis at 5 Saturday afternoon, but the plane had an "issue" with the toilets and the couldn't take that plane and we expected at 10:30 Saturday night.  Due to a whole bunch of circumstances that I don't understand there were no planes that were going from Boston to Indiana that night so they didn't get close to home until Sunday afternoon when they got into Cincinnati about 12:30. 
No hotel vouchers were in the offing either!

I didn't take many photos of people since a great many of Anthony's relatives are Amish and I didn't know many of the other.  The decorations were innovative and lovely so I took photos of them.

Tying the bustle.

Lighting under a red and white striped tent leaves much to be desired.

Even the chickens were interested in the scene.

The old and the new.

This happy occasion brought many people with different backgrounds, languages and ideas together, and they all were nice ordinary people and easy to talk to.  
It was a lovely day.

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