Tuesday, March 31, 2020


March started out for us in a normal way.  It came in like a lamb and we enjoyed our warmer days.
There are usually a few Fridays with no school, and we had the boys over night, Zane alone for a weekend and Barry and Christian after one of Barry's basketball games. 

I guess Barry is ready for summer.


Checking things out with Papa.

Christian tried on my grandpa's glasses, from a long time ago.

They enjoyed bag kites on some of those very windy days.

It took nearly all the blankets we had to build this fort. 

And then, normality ceased.
The coronavirus came knocking on the door and the country went into panic mode.
It is a serious virus and needs to be taken seriously.  However, I think that most of what is published in the main stream media is exaggerated, taken out of context, and some blatantly untrue.  I didn't ever intend for my blog to be in any way, shape or form, political; but in this season of our country, they are inciting panic where reason is needed.  
We are not panicking in this household.
We are staying home and obeying the rules. 

We had toilet paper enough to get by on for a few weeks.  Even so, about a week in to the panic mode of everyone buying out the toilet paper, one of our employees called Jim, "They're stocking toilet paper!" So he went in and got some. 

Snow -- March 9

Truffles with sprinkles from the Netherlands.

Hail -- March 13

The boys have had to adjust to a new way of living, during this quarantine.
With no school they have a schedule of chores, school work, playtime and snacks. 
They are having to learn to get along.
They spend most of their time in their family room in an enormous blanket fort. 
We don't get to see them, because I am in the "more risk" category.


Study time

Teacher Parade

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