Saturday, March 2, 2024

I Say

The English language is an interesting one and depending on where you live and who raised you, it can have entirely different ways of saying things. So, over the last several months, I've been collecting more "ways of saying things" and idioms.
There is a chance that some may be already in my collection, but those lists are so long already, I don't feel inclined to check them out. So, here we go. 

Clear as mud
Didn't bat an eye
Don't get your tail in a knot
Get off scot-free
Get the short end of the stick
Giving the cold shoulder
Got up on the wrong side of the bed
Grasping at straws
If the shoe fits, wear it
Jump at the chance
Muddy the waters
Pipe down
Rain on my parade
Sticks in my craw
The straw that broke the camel's back
Thin as a rail
Wait for the other shoe to drop
What's bred in the bone, comes out in the flesh
Use your head to save your heels

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