Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Quotations From Books -- Tim's Birthday

A very long time ago when Lynette was young, I enrolled her in a crafting club that mailed crafts to her every month. She enjoyed most of them, and the few she didn't I made. One was this, and I used for some very special quotations printed on scrapbook paper in various fonts.

I found this after remembering I posted some of these pages years ago:
April 7, 2017
"Once upon another time, about 12 years go, Lynette belonged to a craft club, and every month she got a new craft to do. One craft was this cute button decorated journal. Lynette being inflicted (I wonder if it should have been afflicted), with the same mentality that I have, and not wanting to use it for just any old thing, it was never used. 
Eventually, it ended up my property and I made it into a little journal using quotes I saved form some of my favorite books."

So, I must not have put the buttons on after all. 

Some time after that, when I was telling my brother Tim about this project and sent him some samples, he said he would like me to write down why I liked them. I have posted a few of the pages years ago, and if I have written my feelings about them, they are long gone.  Some of these are more easily felt and will be hard to write about. a tribute to Tim and my own enjoyment of writing, I'm making a new start.

1. There is a quote about spanking further in this book. I can think of a few lessons I've learned not from spanking but from other kicks life has given me. 
I remember when Zane was a very little boy, under two I believe, I told him countless times to stop pulling the piano key cover down. He didn't stop until it landed on his fingers. 
Any children that I have looked after have learned that the fireplace glass is hot, by trying it out. I kept due diligence on them when it was too hot, because they were always wanting to touch it. When it wouldn't burn them I was lax, and they learned themselves to keep away. 

2. I collected this quote a good 15 years ago, if not more. Even before social media was a thing, I knew that life would be better if I didn't let what others say about me affect me. It has been a struggle.

3. I love the "Anne" books. I was about 16 when we discovered them in our library. What a treasure! I have read them many, many times. The words of wisdom, such as these, written in those books, I have hoped are a part of me. 


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