Saturday, July 6, 2024

Quotations -- Page 4


1. I hardly know what to write about this. This is from a book written in the 1950s, it was collected in the early 2000s. Nowadays, this sentiment would be considered archaic since sexual activity is so normal from teenager years on with just about anybody and the idea of monogamous faithfulness forever and no sex before marriage no longer inspires any respect. 
I still believe it's true.

1. I had an "open door" policy for my kids. Their door stays open when they have company. 
I always had food available to anyone that was here. If their friends were here at meal time, they ate with us. A welcoming home keeps people home.

2. Back in the day, I saw plenty of people get married early and then find out they made a mistake because the person they married isn't who they thought they were, or they grew up into a different person with new goals. I've seen people marry without really knowing the person. Finding out who you are and what you want out of life helps you make decisions that make a better life

1. I wanted a simple wedding, and I had one. It was at home with no decorations. My bridesmaid's dress could be worn again in places other a formal party. The reception was very simply decorated and I made my dress. My mom and her friends prepared the lunch. I had friends take snapshots 
and make the cake for their gifts.
The total spent was about $300 in 1987 money which wouldn't even be $1000 today. 

2. I love this, because if only people, girls especially, could separate themselves from what everybody thinks they should look like how much better life would be.

1. I have no idea anymore what "going steady" looks like in 2024. In my school days in the 70s-80s it was exchanging class rings and "going together". Somewhere after 2000 I think the term was "talking". The names get sillier as the years go by, but my underlying thought about choosing exclusively a boy/girl friend or even dating at all, is that you should never date someone who doesn't have the values you would like to marry some day.

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