Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quotations -- Page 2

1. Another Anne quote. The longer you know people, the better you know them. 

2. I had one of these summers. It was 1983. A larger crowd that usual of friends, we met often, to talk and eat and play games. It was a hard summer for me because I was taking summer classes. Studying and playing meant some late nights. 

3. I was taught responsibility at a young age. With four kids and one income, my folks were frugal with money. I didn't realize how tight some times were until I was well into my teens. I had a job delivering papers and with that money I bought things that Mom wouldn't buy for me, like special shampoo and store-bought clothes. (She would buy all the material we wanted to sew clothes, and we made most of them.) I worked my way through college and paid for my own wedding with very little help from them. I felt it was my responsibility to do what I could to make it easier on them.

1. See above: # 3.

2. There is a saying about doing hard things right away and getting them over with.
"If you have to swallow a frog, do it first thing in the morning."
And then later, 
"If you have to swallow two frogs swallow the biggest one first."
3. This is a lesson I taught my kids. Some are friends for now and some for later, 
some for a little while and some for all time. 

1. Some of these are self-explanatory. Without self-discipline we won't enjoy our life 
and others won't enjoy ours either. 

2. Positivity and kindness go a long way.

3. I grew up in the days when more women stayed at home with their children 
than worked outside the home.
My parents believed the essence of this saying. 

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