Friday, July 5, 2024

Quotations -- Page 3

1. What more do you need than the basics? 
Want what you have and you'll have what you want.

1. Everybody IS all right and it's time we realized that. 

2. When I collected these quotes, social media was not a thing and now we are inundated with admonitions to "take care of yourself", "reduce your stress by being aware of your surroundings."
It has always been important to waste a little time on something beautiful.

3. This is the ultimate way to live, "holding fast to truth and courtesy and kindness". This was my goal, but I don't think I've made much progress over the years.

1. This is very true, there were a few names I never liked in elementary school because they belonged to mean girls. Julie was one and Carol another. Those names are changed to me, because Juli is a friend and Carole is the middle name of several in our family.

2. Having a good character and keeping it so makes a better life for yourself and others around you. 

1. Self-discipline seems to be out of fashion these days. Is anything held sacred anymore?

2. I don't know if this idea was given to me by my parents or if I learned it by experience and watching. Of course, these days, there aren't so very many "stay-at-home" moms.

3. Yes!


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