Saturday, July 13, 2024

Quotations -- Next To The Last Page

1. You can't expect people to be the same after years of experiences that are different from yours. 

2. "...of the race that knows Joseph." -- Anne's House of Dreams

1. "You could be nice to everybody."

1. I learned I could do this when I was fairly young. The first time I remember was with the hexagon tiles on some floor (dentist office, library?). I could make it look 3-D.  Another time I remember was with our old hot water radiators.  When those pictures came out that look like a random pattern of colors and you had to look at them 'just so', to get the picture to 'pop out', all I had to do was 'see double' with my eyes and there it was.
After I had cancer treatments, I was more tired at the end of the day and it got to the point where I couldn't control that seeing double in the evening. My eyes wouldn't focus together. 
I remember my first eye appointment to get my glasses at age 8. I remember telling my parents and the eye doctor that I had double vision, but no one paid attention to me and I never said anything about it for years. I have prisms put in my lenses now, to make my eyes stay focused.


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