Thursday, July 11, 2024

Quotations -- Page 9

1. It's a lot easier to be non-judgmental on the outside than on the inside. 

2. I don't like change one bit. 
I have to be dragged kicking and screaming into every new technological advance and very likely some other things that I'm not going to take the time to figure out. Two are, I cook the way my mother did and I hang clothes on a clothes line, (not everything.)

3. This is what they are telling us nowadays. Slow down and enjoy nature. 

1. It's true. Those niggling things that we think are problems and aren't really can get under our skin. A mature person learns to ignore them. "Don't sweat the small stuff."

2. Misunderstanding comes from not slowing down and listening to people's words and intent.

3. This might only apply to introverts. Of which I am one.

4. This is one of my favorite sayings. At one time I was a doormat, therefore I don't hold it against those who wiped their feet on me. 

1. The sooner we understand this and make it a part of our lives. 
Our lives and those of others will be better. 

2. Books are such an important part of my life, that I have collected 100s over the years. I have culled it now to the point, to only those I really love. 
Except those on Lynette's old bookcase, and those the boys have snuck in.
And...I really love a lot of books.


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