Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bear Country


Bear Country isn't just about bears.  There are other animals to see, too.  I think the majority of us like to see some of these animals up close that we'll never have a chance to see in the wild. It can be dangerous to be close to some of these in the wild.  

Elk rubbing the velvet off his antlers.

Serenade by arctic wolves.

This gray wolf was the only one who didn't insist on blocking the road.

A little zooming gets a close shot.

Magpies like hanging out with big animals for the bugs.

A female pronghorn.


I didn't know porcupines were so cute.  Look at his little snub snout.


The lower two cubs spent their time fighting or playing still in the tree.
Obviously they are better than I would be about not falling out.

I can't remember what this cute little thing is.

I always enjoy watching otters play.  It was feeding time when we were there and after eating this big feast of fish, they took a nap in their log.

After several hot days, this one wasn't.  It was cloudy and cool enough we were glad for jackets, and I was especially glad I brought a long skirt and socks!  


1 comment:

Bonita Sue said...

I'm enjoying your trip!