Friday, August 20, 2021

Home Through The Badlands

Going Home

We planned to take in the Badlands on the way home. It is an impressive sight of miles and miles of rugged terrain.  I don't remember paying any fees when my family went in 1977, but that isn't a thing a 13 year old would remember.  I don't remember paying any fees when Jim and I took our kids up there in 2006 but since it is a National Park we must have.  I found a pamphlet on line that gave the fees for the 2007 season so I presume the $15 charged in 2007 was probably what was charged in 2006.  This year it was $30 for a car to go through.  That seems like a lot of money. Today with google you can get information on all kinds of things and the price was raised to $25 in 2018 and $30 in 2020 for private vehicles. So, we paid our fee and spent a lot of time looking and taking pictures. There are a lot here in this post.  I have to get my money's worth. They are in order, too.

Some kind of goat.  I looked in the Badlands website for a clue.  
They have a picture, but no name.

What I find most interesting about these massive rock formations is the depth.  A photograph isn't the best way to see that.  In these two photos there is a close ridge and then farther away, the rim.

Smoky Horizon

Colorful Layers


Beauty in Nature

Jim is trying out his new hat with his pitiful old binoculars.  You can't remember everything when going on a trip, but it's too bad we didn't bring the better pair.

These are called "rainbow something or others".  I'm not terribly interested in the geology and make up of the rocks.  For those who are, google we shall always have with us.

Going farther south there are broad spaces between the high rock formations, where grass grows.

Finally, the sun came out and we get some blue sky!

Big Horn Sheep

There are a lot of photos here, I like them all.  Nature is amazing and I love to revisit it.


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