Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Good Day's Work

I've lost my enthusiasm for exercising, again, already.  But that doesn't mean I'm not doing anything.  Since I'm not knitting I'm doing a lot of other things, which involve both office and home work.  Saturday, was ONE BIG DAY.  I have days like that where I have a huge list of things to do and push hard to get them all done, and I hope I am bringing them closer together.  I gives me a huge lift to get that many things done in one day, because that means I was doing something and not sitting on my fanny knitting,  which is what I love to do the most.  I also like to have these other projects finished, but it seems the more I do the more there is TO do.

So, what happened on Saturday?  I was working, HARD, from 8 am to 9 pm.  And, this is what happened.
The first things.
Breakfast dishes, (Jim made the omelet)
Egg rolls, start to finish
Bread dough in the machine to mix and rise
Green Bean casserole in the fridge
All the dishes washed again.
It is now 10:30.
I put all the recyclables into the car and went to town to dump them, go the the yarn store for the Easter sale, and to Walmart for frozen chicken breasts, and they had strawberries on sale, $.98 a pint. So I got some.
I got home at 11:50, and my daughter and friend were eating breakfast/lunch and left to shop so no lunch until Jim gets home.
So, I made buns from the dough and let them rise..  
Went out to find Jim (he came home with an un-assembled chicken run.)
Lunch in 10 minutes
Baked the buns.
While they were baking planted 4 ft. of turnips and 1 ft. of Swiss chard.
Swept and picked up laundry room,
Put away a project in the basement, (just bunch of books.)
Swept deck.
Swept patio, (if corn shucks are left on it, earth worms live there, yuck)
Decided to clean the tarps that made our slip and slide last summer (big mistake, was yucky and took too long)
Planted pansies.
Spread wood chips, two wheelbarrows full. 
(By now daughter and two grandsons are here, making things go a little slower)
Hemmed dress for daughter to wear next day.
Cooked supper, hamburgers, and Brussels sprouts on the grill, salad and cucumbers.
Laundry folded
Laundry in dryer.
Tidied up living and dining rooms.
By this time it was 8:30 and I was starting to feel like it was over whether I wanted it to be or not.  
I put the chicken in to marinate,
Put away dishes, 
Washed more dishes, 
and went to have a shower.
I didn't do the vacuuming, I had someone else do that. 
I also didn't peel potatoes, make jello, cinnamon rolls, or sweep and mop the floor.  I did that the next morning, before we had company.

I was amazed at how much I got done without getting tired out in the middle of the day.  My stamina is improving even though I'm not exercising. 

I do things like this every day, (not so many at a time), but a good majority of it, plus I'm working at the office, grocery shopping and who knows what else.  
I can keep myself pretty busy staying at home all day.

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