Friday, November 4, 2016

Is It Just Me?

I woke up at 4:30 this morning, unsettled from a dream. Ugh.  I don't like that.  I have too vivid of an imagination and it spills over into my dreams.  I have to be careful what I watch and read.  I want to keep my mind clean for one thing, and I don't want that stuff to spill over into dreams.  
At 5:00, I thought I would get a jump on the day and blog, but I didn't.  I spent another hour mindlessly playing games on the computer.  Sigh.  

I thought of several things during the week that I would like to blog about, but all I can remember is yesterday.  I did get some productive things done.  I squished squash through the food mill to put in the freezer; I went grocery shopping; I had supper ready when Jim came home.  I washed Jim's work clothes and when I went to bed they weren't in the dryer.  
They weren't in the washer either, hee hee, they were all put away except three shirts hanging in the basement that weren't dry.
It was what happened between those good things that troubled me.  It seems like I can't do anything without spilling, dropping, and bumping stuff.  I spilled milk in the fridge, I bumped my forehead on a cupboard door (just healed from the last time) and dropped the box of small containers out of the cupboard and they bounced and rolled to every corner of the kitchen.  I dropped my change at the grocery store.  I picked up the wrong milk and the person sent to replace it took so long they got another checker to take care of the line behind me.  When I poured my milk it splashed out of the glass.  I keep telling myself to slow down and think before doing anything.  I really should try that.  
I'll write it down.  Snail city, here I come!

You know, I didn't spill squash all over the kitchen, it didn't tip over in the freezer and make a mess.  I did have to wash my hands several times.

I didn't take many photos this week, but the ones I did have a story.

This plate is one of mom's "best set" when we were kids.  We didn't use them very much because she didn't like them.  It may have had something to do with who gave them too her or it may not, there is another set that is truly ugly with chickens on them and maybe I'm thinking of those.  
I like them now, my daughter has them, she likes them.  
I like them because they are a part of my childhood.  

I changed my purse the other day.  I really need a bigger one since I have a larger phone.  
Well, that's not the only reason.  I've been wanting a larger one to easily carry a small water bottle.  I loved this purse, especially the built-in wallet.  The main problem besides the size, was the built in wallet, and the fact that my phone could lose itself in there and people would vainly wait for me to answer while I scrabbled into the corners of my purse.  The best course would be to turn the whole thing upside down, but that isn't the best choice in the grocery store, for example.  
I'm not saying that might have been done sometimes at home.  
I like my new one because it's larger but not too much and had a pocket to put my purse in and two outside pockets to keep things separated. 

I like medium boiled eggs. Yum.


Lorene just stopped in with Christian, so when it was time to go, a little mittened hand was waving out the window.  

1 comment:

Renee said...

Great post...entertaining! I was wondering WHERE Jim's work clothes went. Hee hee!