Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

I don't know if I have used this title before.  It sounds like a good one to use for the time I butched Nathan's head, or the time when Jim cut Zane's hair for the first time.  I don't know, I would have to go back and look.  Perhaps that's why people have search boxes on blogs.  

Anyway, after yesterday's marathon of ER visit, mismanaged chemo orders, and a very long day, I thought I would still have energy to type a nice blog post.  The steroids, however, lasted only long enough for treatment to be over and then I was tired. The ER visit was diagnosed as infection in the tissue surrounding the tube, and was much improved by Monday afternoon.  The Chemo Drug story is much more interesting.  We went early to have blood drawn, but having it done completely in the ER we got an early start on the doctor visit, which was great, except when the time came for faxing the chemo orders, the nurses had all gone out for training, and the PA couldn't find the fax number.  She then took it to the front desk to fax, and I was thinking, "couldn't we just carry them?", when it all seemed taken care of and I was whisked away in the wheel chair.  It wasn't taken care of and the nurse sent someone over for it.  At the end of the day, it happened again. We were waiting on the last drug that takes three hours to go through and here is wasn't.  She had to send someone out again. So, it was after 6p when we were dismissed.  
So, I was tired.  

Hair is such a bother in chemo and radiation.  I can't have any metal on my head during radiation, so I've just  been wearing it in a braid, and combing more hair out every day, that when I had half my braid left, I just had Lynette cut it off.  Every morning, the hair was so matted above the braid that I was pulling handfuls of hair out to rebraid it.  We decided it was time to just let most of it go. 

The final style.

Which was great, except now I had 5" long hairs floating around behind me and that wasn't working either. So, Jim cut it it all about 1 1/2" long, but that still left 1 1/2" long floaties, in the air, on the couch, on my pillow, where ever.   

I know after living with long hair for so long, it was hard just to think of going right to the bald stage, so I thought little by little would help.  It does some, it gives the illusion of not losing my hair so quickly, but like so many things, I quickly realized that it was only a temporary solution to an on going loose hair problem.  
So, last night, Jim got out the clippers and performed the final shaving.  

Ha, I bet you thought that the next picture would be me bald!

Here I am all set up for a long chemo day, except Lynette came in and snitched the computer, so I did other things instead, and Dan and Cyndie came to visit.  
I, actually, have a little hair here, it is combed.  


Renee said...

Hey you..just LOOK at that....you look adorable in your little pink hat!! Seriously it must be a relief to just be rid of it. What a fiasco with the chemo orders and meds....I loved this post. I love you and I love your spirit!

Renee said...

The Blog title is quite clever I might add!

Dan & Cyndie said...

I am smiling after reading Renee's posts above because i was thinking pretty much the same thing...I love your smile & I love your writing & I just love you...your spirit is wonder-full :)

Listy said...

Priceless...love this... Circumstances don't have to be lovable... It's just pretty neat to be in them yet rise above... And cheer our hearts ... CBL

Anita said...

And thanks for sharing your journey with us. It's touching and encouraging... and we care. I must admit to getting a little emotional when I saw the pictures progress. I've known so many who 'made this trip' but I was too far away to share it with them so this does mean a lot to me. xo

The J's said...

I am so glad you are able to blog! Since it's impossible to be there or talk to you much, at least you (or your writer) can keep us informed! So happy it worked out for a little visit today, hope we didn't wear you out too much.

Hey, what's a bit of hair anyway!! No fuss, no muss! And, not all of us get to start over on what we have :) Just think of all the new styles you can try with it when it as it grows back in! :)

Luanne said...

Love this post..love you my brave, brave friend! By the way..you really are cute!!

John and Sandy Linder said...

Love your patience and ability to see the light side to a heavy situation!

Thanks for sharing and so glad you felt up to posting.

John and Sandy

Oleva said...

Reading your posts always brings the questions to me "if that happens to me, how will I react?" and " will it sometime happen?". And then I think "I hope I will be as resigned, gracious, accepting and sharing as you and others I know in your experience." THanks for sharing, and for your Godly spirit and influence in this time of trials in your life. Keep up the good fight.
Our love and care,
Carl and Oleva

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelley!! I too am so impressed by your attitude and spirit towards all of this!! And I agree you are just too cute in your hat!! :) think of you every day!!!!
Love and hugs!!! Janet

Anonymous said...


In the book of Nehamiah, one of the verses mentions the joy of the Lord being our strength. Wonderful, and comforting, to see you draw from the strength and joy of the Lord while in these trying days.


Anonymous said...

The pink hat is really very very cute..and you can change the color everyday..isn't that cool?..JS

Ruth said...

Shelley...for your friends who may have to face the "cancer journey" at some point in their lives, you are going to be one hard act to follow! I love the little quote from your blog... "What must be done is best done cheerfully." You are my inspiration! Thinking of you daily in your journey...

Anonymous said...

Shelley, I absolutely love your attitude and spirit. It gives us all encouragement at a time when we should be encouraging you! Loved the pictures and the smiles from you and Lynette. You can't change it so you might as well go with it; seems you are all doing this so well. I know there will probably be more rough days ahead for you, but I know you'll face it head on, with the amazing faith that you have and you will get through it like we've seen you already do on many occasions. Keep up the good work dear friend! Holly

lanae said...

Shelley, you're beautiful ... especially in the ways that really really truly count the most.


Dorothy said...

Good Morning to you!

Well now, that is rather a relief, to not have to mess with your hair for a while. I am hoping that all went smoothly this morning. Whooee....end of this week you shall be almost 2/3 done with radiation! So glad you are feeling a touch better. Half done with chemo but not half done with its effects, I'm sure! Anyway... counting the days now until I get to come. They are speeding by here lightning fast....while they can't come fast enough for you!
Love, Dodie

gkey said...

dear Shelleykins,

I am thinking of you everyday. Wishing i was closer, and could just pop over anytime i want.

Take good care, and consider yourself hugged today!

The Hair isn't the MANE thing

Darcie said...

Can I just say how much I admire your beauty...in your spirit, in your courage, in your strength...in YOU! Thanks for sharing your heart and experience with us!